
Dear Readers,


Our lives are constantly exposed to risks such as risk of financial distress, health risks and risks in relationships.

Businesses are also exposed to risks such as financial, market (including competitive) and people risks.

We cannot wish away risks. We can only manage them.

As it is said “ The only ships that are fully free of risk are in the docks”

We have to manage risks by mitigating them and if possible converting risks into opportunities.

Risk mitigation involves first identifying major risks that can impact our business and take preventive action.

The process of identifying and addressing risks is a systematic approach that uses many models. Most models classify risks by likelihood and impact.

Companies are becoming more and more proficient in managing risks out of experience.

For example there were instances in the past such as the case of Wilhelmsen where two layers of top management died in a plane crash.Since then it has become a common practice in companies that no two members of top management will travel by the same flight.

It is important for employees at all levels to be mindful of management of risks.

Embracing risks without being foolhardy is the way ahead.

Because we know risk is proportionate to returns.

Atul Kulkarni

Coating of INTERGRANDE – 0720 for aesthetic and hygienic internal walls

Just a thought...The sky is the limit

Taking risks can have both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the situation and the level of risk involved. The word risk generally has a negative connotation; but it need not be so. The positive side of risk taking can actually lead to new experiences and opportunities. The very idea of entrepreneurship is firmly bonded to the reality of risk. It is risk that really excites the entrepreneur and drives the business, especially a business that pivots on innovation. In that sense the sky is the limit and it is not the limit too!

For any organization risk taking implies taking calculated risks, be it in the setting up of the premises, recruitment and staffing or the mode of operation. Every act of thinking out of the box is in a way a risk because it has not been tried before. And that is the very reason why it may succeed. The 90s saw a sea change in the way business models came up. Tech savvy youngsters became leaders and experienced older individuals took on secondary roles. The change which was a risk created a lot of heartburn, but ultimately the model delivered results and underlined the use of technology like never before. It created an environment of compulsory learning, which benefited the organization and the individuals too.

The anxiety accompanying risk is a prominent factor that needs to be encountered. But Planning, organizing and coordinating can become the antidotes to anxiety. Obviously, not all risks lead to expected results and failure could mean going on the back foot. But for a persistent entrepreneur who has confidence in his product or service, the failure could accord another opportunity to reassess and review the previous efforts. Sometimes the temptation to take a short cut could be highly risky and it is at this point that the organization needs to do norm setting, yet keeping the field open to taking future risks with a good heart and a sound mind.


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar

Laugh and the world laughs with you!

Why are chemists great at solving problems? Because they have all the solutions!

Waking up this morning was an eye-opening experience.

England doesn't have a kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.


Living with fear stops us taking risks and if you dont go out on the branch, youre never going to get the best fruit

Dear Readers,


Human progress is rooted in cooperation. No organization can achieve great heights by the efforts of one individual. This is for two reasons. Firstly, one person cannot possibly have the detailed access to the entire spectrum of knowledge required to run business and secondly no individual can have the time to carry out the entire set of activities himself.

Thus business success depends on a group of individuals who complement each other in skill sets and carry out activities in a spirit of cooperation and in a coordinated manner.

Teamwork can best be understood in a team sport like cricket. In a game of cricket some player may sometimes have to score slowly to prevent the team from getting bowled out. Similarly, some player may not be in the playing eleven considering the overall playing conditions and the profile of the opponents.

To draw parallels in business, a sales executive could be allotted a region where sales are more difficult to get. Further, an employee may have to sit out of a prestigious project because the skillset of some other employee may be more suited for that project.

Employees willingly accepting these situations will be demonstrating high standards of teamwork.

Teamwork comes into play in all business relationships including dealing with suppliers and customers.

Let us at Greenovoc continue to practice teamwork in our day-to-day activities

Atul Kulkarni

Exterior walls of an industrial establishment coated with PRODECOAT-0770, for a combined benefit of robust waterproofing and eye-pleasing appearance.

Just a thought…

The problem of problems

Team work is a pre historic concept and mammoth edifices like the ancient pyramids or medieval Taj Mahal would not have seen the light of the day, had it not been for team work. Humans and pre-humans formed tribal groups that worked together on common goals. This evolved into structured and settled villages with a chief who would direct the work, of security and subsistence, relying heavily on the feeling of cooperation, collaboration and loyalty of the members of that group. The joint family system was the foundation of society for centuries and its operating principle was teamwork. The freedom struggles of various countries, the revolts for democracy and rights, the fights against slavery and discrimination are all examples of excellent team work centered on a common goal.

The word "teamwork" is a combination of the words "team" and "work" and was first formally recorded and recognized somewhere between 1820 and 1830. Organizations and mainly military formations began to truly appreciate team work during the World War I and the relationship got highly intertwined during World War II and thereafter. As organizations grew in scale and reach, the word steadily gained significance. Modern Management Science in its mission to understand the drivers of growth rarely skipped mentioning team work. The concept was deeply driven in the psyche of people world over by the researchers of organizational behaviour. Even a perfunctory look at the job expectations today would identify ‘Teamwork’ as a non- negotiable attribute for all job profiles from top to bottom.

Team work would be impossible to achieve if the individual does not identify with the collective goal. Humans have realised in many ways that cooperation originates in the need of an individual to accomplish purposes which he individually cannot achieve and so the organization’s existence become inevitable. As many individuals are engaged in cooperative behaviour, it constantly changes and the complex biological, psychological and social factors are in constant interaction. The dynamics of being together and working together be it in the home, the organization, the society or the polity have made interdependence the most crucial factor in the achievement of goals and objectives. It is therefore surprising when individuals need to be given team work training. But then it is never too late to make amends. When members of a group control their egos, self- centeredness and give up the microcosmic view, the beauty of TEAMWORK unfolds!


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar

Laugh and the world laughs with you!

Why are chemists great at solving problems? Because they have all the solutions!

Two antennas decided to get married, the ceremony was pretty boring, but the reception was great!

What is the best way to make a small fortune in the stock market- starting with a large fortune!


Our CEO Sachin Joshi’s contribution to academics and industry continues...

He was invited to present a paper at the Second International Conference on Global Opportunities for Latest Developments in Chemistry & Technology, organized by School of Chemical Sciences , Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Maharashtra (18-19 September, 2024)

Way to go !!!

Sachin Joshi

Dear Readers,

Problem Solving

Our lives including our work-lives are beset with problems on the lookout for solutions.

One of the main duties of a manager is problem solving.

Two approaches to problem solving are –the structured and the intuitive approach.

The structured logical approach involves steps such as identifying the problem, brainstorming for possible solutions, identifying the optimal solution, implementing, checking results and refining the approach. This is an iterative process.

In the intuitive approach, it is assumed that an experienced manager can get to a solution directly just as an expert chess player knows what move to make by just observing the chess board.

In practice a good manager has to be work out a combination of both the approaches that requires exercising both, the left and the right hemispheres of the brain.

Becoming a good problem solver is a life- long pursuit. And the right time to start the journey is now.

Atul Kulkarni

Combined benefit of waterproofing and beautification with exterior coating PRODECOAT - 0770

Just a thought...

The problem of problems

"Do not fear the conflict, and do not flee from it; where there is no struggle, there is no virtue."

It would be an untrue statement to say there exists a person or an organization without a problem. Simply put, 'a problem is a situation, person, or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved.' Most of us in childhood identified problems with math and tried our best to solve them to the teacher's satisfaction. But as life progressed and we entered the various phases of growth, the nature, intensity and frequency of problems grew multi-fold. Problems could be financial, health related, interpersonal relationship related, technology related, career related or anything else under the sun. Many an author has eulogised the idea of 'problem' and reams have been written about the propensity of a problem to arise, when least expected.

In any situation where one encounters a problem, the only way forward is to dive deep and find a solution. Pat Riley, the American professional basketball executive, former coach and player in NBA has rightly said "If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges." Problems are important because they can help us learn, grow, and develop resilience. They can also aid in the development of skills that can help us handle different situations. Experience tells us that avoiding problems usually causes them to come back, and a small problem can become a big problem over time.

There is always a benefit in solving problems. Knee jerk reactions may sometimes result in a temporary solution, but the problem may persist. Problem solving is a skill that individuals and organizations need the utmost. Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. Modern management science has recognized problem solving as a critical skill for leadership and hence many techniques have been documented in an effort to familiarize all with them. Problem solving is a process that involves many steps which thankfully can be learnt by anyone who wishes to solve them. With practice, the skill no doubt become sharper and makes one confident. It is this confidence combined with skill and patience that finally gets the result.


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar

Laugh and the world laughs with you!

What falls, but never needs a bandage? The rain.

What did one wall say to the other? I'll meet you at the corner.

Why don't sharks eat clowns? Because they taste funny.

Dear Readers,

The pessimist says the cup is half empty.

The optimist says the cup is half full.

The true optimist says that since cup is half full let me fill it completely.

We are constantly surrounded by uncertainty. We are not sure of the exact outcome of many situations.

The pessimist sees a low probability of success.

The optimist sees a high probability of success.

Examples of uncertain business situations are

a.Will we be able to develop a new product?
b.Will we be able to produce and dispatch a batch on time?
c.Can we get the big order?

The pessimist can never succeed since he has already laid down his arms.

The optimist will believe that he can succeed and he will put in efforts

He will improve business processes, he will add resources, he will train people and he will develop partners.

So the chances are that the true optimist will win!

Let the Greenovoc culture exude optimism.

Atul Kulkarni


CORRONIL-0767, the trusted coating partner to maintain the robustness and aesthetics of your structure.
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Just a thought… Hope

The monsoon this year brought in with it a series of floods, landslides and damage of untold proportions. Lives and settlements misfortunately got wiped out, all in a flash of downpour. Yet in the utter hopelessness, miracles happened. Many a disaster showed us the grit and determination of human beings either in saving lives or standing up again to confront life. For some, it was the end but for some the light shone again. What is it that keeps humanity going even when faced with utter devastation? The answer is Optimism & Hope. Two words with so much meaning, that they have been the anchor for millions the world over. All of us need to hang on to these two words at some point of time or other.

Wise ones over periods of time have crafted meaningful quotes on hope and optimism. Here is a selection of my favourite ones-

“Optimism doesn’t mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation. It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise”- The Dalai Lama

"Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A 'you can do it' when things are tough."- Richard M. DeVos

"There is only one optimist. He has been here since man has been on this earth, and that is man himself. If we hadn't had such a magnificent optimism to carry us through all these things, we wouldn't be here. We have survived it on our optimism." -Edward Steichen

“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier”- Colin Powell

“In a day when you don’t come across any problems, you can be sure that you are travelling in a wrong path.”- Swami Vivekananda

“I'm continually inspired by nature and the rainbow is one of nature's greatest optical phenomenon. The sighting of a rainbow never fails to bring a smile to people's faces. They signify optimism and positivity: with them comes the sunshine after the rain.”- Matthew Williamson

“It is sure to be dark if you close your eyes”.- Swami Chinmayananda

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope and confidence". -Helen Keller


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar

Laugh and the world laughs with you!

How do you organize a space party? You planet.

What kind of candy do astronauts like? Mars bars.

When does the moon stop eating? When it is full

Dear Readers,

Humour is a unique human phenomenon, associated with the human capacity to laugh.

Humour gives us additional responses to unfavourable situations other than our usual ones viz. fight or flight.

It allows us to stay with the situation without triggering a fight flight response and arrive at inimitable insights that diffuse the tension.

The office environment is rife with stress and a culture of appropriate humour can help detoxify the air.

Imagine a workplace that is developing a culture where people work only when supervised!

An HR trainer told this joke-“My boss calls me ‘The computer’ not because of my calculation skills but because I go to sleep when left unattended for 15 minutes.”

Encourage a work culture that nurtures humour and see the difference.

Atul Kulkarni


Internal walls and ceiling of a private farm house coated with INTERGRANDE-0720, a special anti-microbial interior coating offering hygiene with great aesthetics and superior scratch resistant properties.
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Humour... the stress buster like none other!

Like many of my generation, I grew up on a steady nutritious spread of home cooked food and fulltime participation in sports and field games. Both of these resulted in a healthy body but the spirit was nurtured, not just by generous lessons from moral science and community living, but majorly by an addictive reading habit which unfailingly included the Reader’s Digest. As I knew it, the digest was a wholesome periodical catering to all minds. Two USPs of this elegant magazine printed in book form were ‘Laughter- the best medicine’ and ‘Humour in uniform’. In all honesty, I must say that both these columns were responsible for instilling in me a reasonably good sense of humour, which in my professional life as a teacher has given me some unforgettable precious classroom moments. But most importantly, I realized that humour had significance beyond the personal realm, a learning that was reinforced when I embarked on my journey as a consultant.

It has been estimated that on an average people spend one-third of their life at work or about 90,000 hours at work in a lifetime. The workplace is a unique setting where individuals from diverse milieu gather together motivated by two major factors- earning their bread (and butter if possible) and self- development and actualization. Such a setting of competing interests is bound to have its own stresses and conflicts which sometimes may be long lasting, but mostly are short lived, situational and a result of some serious over reactions. The ceaseless spurts of these, over a period of time can be debilitating to the health of both, the individual and the organization

Management Science has concerned itself largely with the study of organizational behaviour in a bid to create stress free, friendly happy workplaces with a view to increase the productivity and to encourage individuals to remain motivated, even in the most routine and mundane tasks. This is not the responsibility of the organization alone but also of all individuals working in that particular workspace. It is here that humour and laughter play a big role. Laughter is the most obvious outward expression of humour and has spawned tomes of research on aspects like frequency of laughter, styles of laughter, gender based differences on what tickles the funny bone and many more.

The world renowned Mayo Clinic has documented the short term and long term benefits of humour and laughter. The short term benefits include stimulation to many internal organs, activating and relieving stress response, stimulating blood circulation and muscle relaxation. The long term benefits are improvement in the immune system, relieving pain, increasing personal satisfaction and improved mood and self -esteem.

Laughter is good for the soul too. Science and religion both recognize the impact of laughter. No wonder Martin Luther King Jr. once said- “It is cheerful to God when you rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart.” We believe cleanliness is next to Godliness, so why not accord the same exalted status to humour and laughter, especially when they come in with all the advantages enumerated above!. Let us all, in the interest of all develop a robust sense of humour and remember to laugh for some time every day.

This month onwards the newsletter will include a small humorous snippet or a joke-something to evoke laughter. This will be our small step towards good health for all.

Happy Reading...


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Sachin Joshi, CEO of Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd. is frequently invited to speak at conferences and workshops at National & International level.

On June 22, 2024 he participated in the International Conference on Polymer Chemistry (ICPOLC-24) at Pune where he presented a paper titled-‘Heat Insulation Temperature Reducing cum Anti- Corrosion Protective Coating for Metal Roofing.’

The conference was organized by the Society for Education (SFE)

Laughter- the way to a healthy you.

A snail was slithering along the road one day when he was attacked by two turtles. Later the cops asked” Did you get a good look at the turtles who did this to you?

“No, it all happened too fast” replied the snail!

Dear Readers,

The monsoon is here. The temperature has cooled down and nature is greening. Water bodies are swelling up. Mangoes are out and long nature drives are in.

In India, we are blessed with distinct seasons each with a unique flavour.

Business too has its seasons. You have business cycles which can last multiple calendar years,years of high growth and expansion, and years of sluggishness. However, some seasons do not impact the whole economy or industry but only individual companies.

A good company smells the coffee and leverages the changing environment by giving its best in any environment.

As they say, if life gives you a lemon, make lemonade.

We are experiencing a surge in business like a surge in rivers in the monsoon. It is upon us to welcome this wholeheartedly and dedicate ourselves to take the company to the next level.

Atul Kulkarni


Exterior Walls of a mall coated with PRODECOAT- 0770, for long lasting protection and elegant aesthetic finish.
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Just a thought…Monsoon oh monsoon, you are never too soon!

The first thing that comes to mind whenever one thinks of the monsoon is the abundance of the colour Green. The myriad hues of Green lift our spirit like nothing else. The colour is ever refreshing and it can be utmost soothing to the eyes. The word ‘Refresh’ has so many applications but the connotation more or less remains the same. It is an energetic and positive word implying the redoing of tasks in order to meet the original goals, even if there has been a weakness, lethargy or delay. In the daily hustle and bustle of life, when things may not always go our way and we may feel listless and bogged down, refreshing ourselves may do the trick.

We spend so much time working and it’s not only on the job. Getting through the grind of life leaves us with very little time to work on ourselves. Our ways are set, our routines defined and our parameters determined making us feel stressed and tired. We aspire to be happy and fulfilled and yet find it to be a daunting task. If one make an effort to do something for oneself, it is being intentional with our time, but the guilt of neglecting something else weighs upon heavy. It is at this juncture that one needs to refresh! Change could be made in small things and small ways as long as they are important and make one feel revitalized and alive.

So this season let ‘Refresh’ be the main focus in all that you do

Refresh your PC/ Laptop- Delete the unwanted and obsolete.

Refresh your memory- recollect the good & let go of the bad.

Refresh your body- Detox your body and begin that exercise regime you kept putting off.

Refresh your wardrobe- Give away all that you do not use, mix and match to create new combinations.

Refresh your home- declutter, reset and relook the nook that was so neglected.

Refresh your relationships- talk with friends and relatives, do not just message.

Refresh your mind- read something new, take on a hobby or some volunteer work and relook how your job can be done better and stop complaining about everything and everybody.

But most of all- Do go out in the rain at least once, get yourself drenched to the bone and laugh like a child. So refreshing!

To summarize, living simply allows us to make decisions based on what is best for us, rather than what is best for our constructed society. It gives life a purpose and meaning based on the things that align with our value system. Simple living is happy living!


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Sachin Joshi, CEO of Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd. presented a well- received paper on ‘Sustainable Coatings- the future’ at the ASFM- 2024, an International Conference on Advanced Sustainable Futuristic Materials (Sustainable and Innovative Materials in Chemical, Physical & Biological Sciences), April 26-27, 2024 organized by Kamal Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur and CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute ( NEERI) Nagpur.

Dear Readers,


We live in a very complex world.
As mankind solves more and more problems, the new problems that arise are of an increasingly complex nature.

Complexity changes with variety, technology and processes.
We are often attracted towards and adopt complexity because it makes us appear intelligent.

However, true intelligence resolves the complexity by arriving at a simple solution.

One of the principles of science is the OccamsRazor which requires us to choose a solution for a problem that is the simplest.

So while designing products or work flows, make simplicity the basis.

While designing a CRM, it could be tempting to design a fancy one that gives all sort of information. But such complexity would come at the cost of a high price, difficulties and mistakes in data entry, difficulty in interpretation and non- utilization of features.

In the design of a coating, if simplicity of application is inbuilt in the product- as is the case of Greenovoc products, it represents true intelligence.

Let us all resolve to work intelligently and simplify our universe.

Atul Kulkarni


Roof of a warehouse coated with SURFACOOL-0712- an effective way to decrease internal temperature and reduce heat load.

Just a thought…Work as a Blessing!

Human life today is at crossroads. On one hand the list of achievements is long and multifarious but on the other hand humans are grappling with issues, the list of which is equally long and diverse. It is rather common to see something or someone and begin to think “Oh I wish I was that or I had a life like that”. Unfortunately , the grass always seems to be greener on the other side .The feeling sometimes gets so overwhelming that one is forced to take a decision which may not always be the right one.

Our lives both personal and professional, have got complicated like never before. Aspirations, desires compulsions, habits, and expectations have got viciously intertwined. The result is a sense of dissatisfaction, continuous restlessness and loads of stress. The lack of mindfulness and the loss of capacity to be still and introspective have only added to the complexities and complications. The constant mindless intervention of social media, urban living, the disappearance of nature and natural habitats, consumerism are the realities of today and one does not need to be genius to deduce that all the above have combined to result in the loss of simplicity!

For years together we have heard that ‘Simple living and High thinking’ are the hallmarks of great men and women. But it always felt as if this was something very difficult to achieve and that it was not meant for the common folk. But it now seems that more and more common folk yearn for this simplicity mainly because it gives them the much needed sense of control over their lives. Simplicity is understood as the state of being simple, uncomplicated, free from complexity and excess while simple living. Simple living is all about doing away with things and thoughts that are unnecessary and burdensome in short, no more essential. It also means focusing on the things that are most important to you. Simple living is a mindset and a way of life where you become selective about who and what you allow into your world. It makes one more independent and self-reliant, not overwhelmed and stressed out.

Living simple is to declutter , not just material possessions but more importantly the mind. Letting go of things one does not need, buying less, shopping mindfully and concentrating on saving as against spending does wonders. It allows us more time to be with ourselves so that we become the best versions of ourselves!. One time tested way to declutter the mind is to stay away from toxic people whose only objective is to gossip and backstab, spreading unhappiness and denuding one’s sense of self- worth. Such people and their actions occupy a substantial space in our minds, diverting us away from all the positivity and goodness. More importantly they are a source of continual stress and stress has a massive impact on every part of our body, not just the mind.

To summarize, living simply allows us to make decisions based on what is best for us, rather than what is best for our constructed society. It gives life a purpose and meaning based on the things that align with our value system. Simple living is happy living!


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


We are so proud of you

Dear Readers,

Blessing of work

Everyone has a different attitude towards work.

To some it is a burden.

To others it is a duty

Some may perceive it as a service

And some as a learning opportunity.

But with the right attitude work becomes a blessing

We may be sales people or production professionals or even a part of the cleaning staff; what work we do is immaterial but with the right attitude it becomes a blessing

Realizing that-

-Work helps us build our personality
-Work teaches us about the reality of life- Its highs and lows and how to handle success and failure
-Work is an opportunity to give back to the world what it has given us
-Work teaches us discipline
-Work teaches us to take efforts

The list is endless

Let’s embrace work with open arms and be thankful that we have the opportunity to work.

Atul Kulkarni


A swimming pool coated with POLYSEAL- 0724, our guaranteed waterproofing solution for wet areas.
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Just a thought…Work as a Blessing!

“You will definitely enjoy what you’ve worked hard for - you’ll be happy; and things will go well for you.”

I recently chanced upon a conversation between 2 adults wherein one asked, “What is your dream job ?” only to have the other person retort “Why would I dream about labouring?” Apparently it was a witty response, yet it got me thinking about work and more so about its synonymous interpretation as ‘pain’. Today, many have forgotten the value of work. Some falsely believe that the highest goal in life is to achieve a condition in which one no longer needs to work. Simply put, work means we have something to do and that we have the physical and mental abilities to do it .Some view work as a necessary evil, and consider it a moral right to constantly complain about it. Work is work and it’s not always going to be fun. Work is not a matter of economic need alone; it is a spiritual necessity because it accords us the opportunity to develop ourselves and progress further on a daily basis. To work honestly and productively brings contentment and a sense of self-worth. Learning to be self-reliant, providing for our own needs and those of our loved ones, contributing to the community by helping others are not only gifts but the foundation of character building. Working hard makes one feel good and there is true pride in knowing that we’ve made a difference. Work offers us the canvass to build bonds with co-workers bringing in a sense of family and establishing friendships that many a times are everlasting.

At work there may be problems that are outside of one’s control such as having un-cooperative colleagues, a lack of work-life balance, unfair working conditions, overbearing bosses, long hours or constant travel. Yet these very pain points prepare us to deal with situations and if not anything else, become wiser and appreciative of what we have when compared to those who have no work. Situations that push us out of our comfort zone make us think like active problem-solvers, thereby allowing us to feel more in control and highly optimistic about altering negative situations. The world has always been in a state of change and the only thing that differentiates one period of time from the other is the rate of change. Job losses due to the substantial layoffs in nearly all industries and the looming uncertainty due to the surge of Artificial Intelligence have shaken up the world that is just about recovering from the ravages of COVID 19. When the tide of opportunity seems to be ebbing what can one do to maintain the equilibrium? For years it has been proved that cultivating an attitude of gratitude is beneficial for mental and physical health. “Make a list of all the reasons you are grateful for your job—whether it’s money, experience, friends, or even the free coffee,” suggests Lori Scherwin, founder of career coaching firm, Strategize That . Focus on what you enjoy and that is what you will see and appreciate. Find success in every failure and a lesson in every setback; it helps keep you moving. We need to remember that our work has significance no matter what job we have and the only way to remain relevant is to learn to love learning.

“Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that power to work is a blessing, that love of work is success.”


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


We are so proud of you

Sachin Joshi , CEO of Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd., receiving the certificate for his presentation ‘Zero VOC sustainable water based protective coatings for aggressive conditions‘ at International Corrosion Prevention Symposium for Research scholars organized by AMPP , West Zone Chapter & M. S University of Baroda on 18th 7 19th February 2024.

Dear Readers,

The word resolution is linked with the “New Year Resolution”

Almost all of us have made new year resolutions only to find them forgotten in a matter of weeks.

I am sure that this extremely high failure rate did not dissuade us from making a fresh resolutions for 2024

This is indeed the time of the year when businesses such as Gyms, Book stalls and Organic food outlets make a killing

Why is it that we make resolutions every year in spite of our dismal records in honouring the resolutions?

Are we being naïve or delusional?

I believe not. Resolutions crop from an inherent belief that tomorrow will be better than yesterday if we are committed enough and make the necessary efforts.

And the definition of a human is someone who strives for a better tomorrow.

In Sanskrit we use the word ‘Sankalp’ as the loose translation of a resolution.

The march to greatness of any individual or organization is powered by this ability to hold on to resolutions.

If we habitually break our resolutions, we cease to believe in ourselves whereas if we adhere to our resolutions, our self- belief grows.

That is the difference between a mediocre and excellent individual or organization.

Atul Kulkarni


Metal gate coated with CORRONIL-0767, our Corrosion Resistant Coating that arrests corrosion and gives an legant aesthetic look. (Available in a wide range of colours)
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Just a thought..... New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year!

A new year, new hope and a new beginning. This is one calendar event that is not only hugely hyped but could be the one around which billions of dreams are woven, year after year. One sacred ritual of this annual happening is the making of resolutions. We believe that the New Year resolutions are a modern marvel but their history is supposedly 4000 years old. It is believed that the idea of New Year resolutions was conceptualized and practised in the ancient city of Babylon as a new crop ritual. The citizens made promises to God. These promises included the payment of debt. The Babylonians believed that keeping a promise brought God’s favour and breaking a promise resulted in some disfavour. Interestingly enough, in spite of changes to the calendar, the belief that the beginning of each New Year was for thinking about one’s past mistakes and resolving to do better in the future, persisted. On the backdrop of this history, the practice of New Year resolutions may continue for generations.

No life or organization is perfect. We need to periodically tweak both,to be able to meet the goals. Habits, it is said are hard to die and equally hard to inculcate. Most humans have the tenacity to give up the unsuitable ones and take on those that are suitable. Resolutions are the opportunity to embark on this journey of unlearning and relearning. Habits can be life changing or life improving, New Year resolutions could be the commencement of some and the end of others. These resolutions could be the verbalization and visualization of some deep rooted wish which when coupled with confidence and persistence could result in unbelievable achievements.

Achievements need not be grand and great. Every little gain of the positive and every little giving up of the negative may bring about a change that may help an individual or an organization to take a step towards self- actualization. What we aspire for needs careful consideration since each of us has a unique canvass to fill. Some could think of smiling and laughing more while someone else could think of saving and building a retirement nest. The same goes for organizations, who all have common aspirations like increasing business, revenue growth or better profitability and expanding boundaries. Yet thinking of something outside these aspirations makes the whole exercise of making resolutions highly exciting and challenging too. Making employees happy, doing impactful CSR activities, improving working conditions or contributing to a healthier environment are some New Year resolutions that can really make the New Year happy and to look forward to. It is astronomically vitalizing to make resolutions on the first day of the New Year and work towards their fulfilment with a ‘can do’ feeling of optimism. So do not think negative and give your 100% to these resolutions. They will definitely be worth it!

“Change brings opportunity.” —Nido Qubein


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


We are so proud of you

New Partnerships… New Geographies… New Year!

Dear Readers,

Celebration is about pausing, deriving satisfaction about some tasks well executed and drawing inspiration from it for the future.

Celebration is a state of collective positivity that is contagious. We can never celebrate alone. It is always a group or team phenomenon.

Celebration is an attitude. There is something to celebrate in almost every situation if one has the eyes to see.

Celebration need not be restricted only for a big event. Nor does it mean that mega events be held to mark the celebration. A high five on winning some sales deal or an appreciation with a little treat on a report well compiled, are celebrations.

With Diwali just round the corner, celebration is in the air.

At Greenovoc we have plenty of reason to celebrate. Some good export orders have been executed. This propels us towards achieving our sales targets and also gives us satisfaction about contributing to the national economy.

May we all have plenty of occasions to celebrate in the year to come.

Atul Kulkarni


Enhancing strength, durability & aesthetics with GALVART-0723 in Copper shade and CORRONIL-0767 in White.
Quote img img

Just a thought...Partnership

The word partnership conjures up images of a ‘coming together’ be it in the social, political,or business environment. This ‘coming together’ is not a stray event but one conceptualised under the thought of common goals and common desires. The term means many things to many people, but without doubt partnership begins with an understanding that it is necessary to establish the visibility of unmet needs. It is a lookout for support, but from partners who are likeminded and hold a similar mind set and value system.

The fundamental benefit of a partnership is that it provides a common platform for working together by combining the different strengths of each partner so as to buttress the other. Obviously then it is an exercise of value addition for both, albeit only when the roles of each partner are clear to the highest possible level. Many a partnership has failed only due to the lack of this clarity, mainly because it creates a duplicity that is not only time consuming but extremely frustrating too. All stake holders then are directly or indirectly affected, leading to a loss of faith.

Trust is the basic fabric of any partnership, be it formal or informal. Relationships are good enough partnerships but with a lot of flexibility, forgiveness and acceptance. On the other hand, formal legal partnerships are identified as contractual relationships involving close cooperation between two or more parties having specified their joint rights and responsibilities. The word ‘close’ determines the thread of the partnership implying a transparent, mutually beneficial and focused working where none feels short-changed or left behind. Intrinsically a partnership means that both partners acknowledge that they lack something and yet each has an advantage that can help the other. “If you want to lift yourself, lift up someone else.” These words of Booker Washington ring so true!

So then what are some ground rules to make a partnership succeed? One cannot deny the favourableness of the business, political or social climate but most importantly all members must maintain mutual respect, understanding and trust. All must be willing to compromise. The decision making process must not empower or unfairly tilt towards one partner. Such a tendency may hamper the partnership because it would divert from the USPs of the individual partners. It would be definitely worthwhile to keep in mind Lord Acton’s popular statement-‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Finally, all successful partnerships depend on the established and closely maintained formal and informal lines of communication.

“ I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot: together we can do great things ” - Mother Teresa



Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


We are so proud of you

Sachin Joshi , CEO of Greenovoc Speciality Coatings Pvt. Ltd. was invited as a speaker by the Tube Makers Club Jamshedpur at their 2 nd Workshop on ‘Application of Polymer Coating in Steel Industry’ on November 29, 2023. The event was organized by Surface Engineering Research Group R&D, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur, India. He shared his learning on the theme of ‘Innovation in Zero VOC High Performance water based Sustainable protective coatings’

Dear Readers,

A partnership is the coming together of two or more individuals or organizations to achieve a common objective.
Partnerships can be formed for meeting of legal objectives or to deepen business objectives.
A true partnership leads to emotional bonding and friendship.
Loyalty i.e. Employee loyalty and customer loyalty lead to effective partnerships True partnership develops when the partners complement each other.
Interest and efforts are towards cooperation rather than conflict. We celebrate in the success of others.
All parties must contribute in a partnership and must be seen to be contributing A group of people who get in a mutual partnering relation becomes a team Once a true team is formed, nothing is impossible.
At Greenovoc, we feel great joy when we constantly strive towards harnessing human energies so that true partnerships are formed leading to magical results.

Atul Kulkarni


Enhancing strength, durability & aesthetics with GALVART-0723 in Copper shade and CORRONIL- 0767 in White. A highly corroded metal roof coated with CORRONIL-0767. The long lasting, quick drying environment friendly, water based, Zero VOC coating is easy to apply and ensures a smooth finish combined with great aesthetics.
Decorative coating

Just a thought...

Diwali, the grand festival is knocking at our doors. World over, it is celebrated as the festival of lights, hope and prosperity. The celebration is as diverse as our nation but the spirit is one. All cultures give significance to celebration, in fact it is one unique attribute of all civilizations. Celebrations help bring people together on a common platform of fun, human unity, and love. The very idea of a celebration evokes a positive feeling like none other, a feeling of anticipation, approval & joy. Celebrations can be great stress busters too.

Celebration is an action word and therefore is unimaginable without the involvement of people. We are social creatures, and we’re happier when we connect with each other. The joy and comfort of these events is an important source of strength for all people, be it societies, states or organizations. One cannot deny the fact that celebration builds a stronger sense of togetherness, increases team motivation and helps to honour cultural traditions. In fact every celebration could be an opportunity to create new memories and even pioneer future traditions. A life bereft of any celebration would be dull, boring, and repetitive.

The importance of celebrating life draws power from the force of collectivity, but it is grounded in an individual’s self-concept and its need to nurture the inner health. Organizational culture has recognized the importance of celebrating milestones and innumerable studies have outlined its eminence as an employee engagement parameter. Therefore celebration isn’t just a party, it’s a way to show someone that they matter, that their journey has meaning. Most employers and employees today look at it as an inherent part of their professional life, as a way to celebrate the happiness and achievements with the team, thereby setting the stage for motivation of others. Celebrating individuals reinforces their self-esteem because they see their value in the team recognized and the meaningfulness of their work confirmed. Additionally, taking a pause to celebrate fosters a sense of gratitude, making us realize that we should be thankful for all that we have. We celebrate birthdays, promotions, meeting of company goals; but let us also celebrate

Ourselves- the individual who goes through the ups and downs and yet rises again & again, symbolizing persistence and deep faith in the belief that one who fails learns, one who learns tries and one who tries definitely succeeds !

Decorative coating


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar



We are highly elated to share the news of our CEO Sachin Joshi’s paper being adjudged the ‘BEST PAPER’ under the category of ‘New Trends & Innovations in Corrosion Control’ at CORCON-2023, an international Conference.

Kudos …Way to go!!!!

Dear Readers,

Unutilized talent is a huge waste at both organizational and individual level.

Effort is the fertilizer that makes talent flower.

Efforts are about directing energy towards achieving some worthwhile goal or objective.

Efforts presuppose faith in oneself and in the process.

Organizations and individuals who have achieved mastery seem to work effortlessly. But this effortlessness is misleading and is a result of long hours of efforts. Think of the first time you used a computer. It took a huge amount of effort. Now those same tasks can be done effortlessly.

According to Malcolm Gladwell in his book “Outliers: The Story of Success” he repeatedly refers to the “10 000-hour rule,” asserting that the key to achieving true expertise in any skill is simply a matter of practicing, albeit in the correct way, for at least 10 000 hours.

Let us move from effort to effortlessness which is the highway to success and higher responsibilities.

Atul Kulkarni


Waterproofing a terrace with PMT & POLYSEAL-0724 (Filling cracks & Coating)
Decorative coating

Decorative coating

Just a thought...

“God helps only those who help themselves” is an adage that we grew up with. It underlined the fact that unless one makes an effort, nothing works; not even prayers! It is impossible to succeed overnight without any efforts. Whys is effort so highly valued in the journey of life? The answers could be many, stemming out of experiences gathered over a period of time. Yet none will deny that ‘taking the effort’ made the journey worth it. What then is effort? It is commonly accepted that effort is a potent combination of factors like initiative, persistence, patience and consistency. Effort implies pushing ourselves beyond our limits, expanding our skills and abilities and it ultimately sets us off on the path of self –exploration. Self -exploration is all about understanding oneself and determining how we learn and imbibe new skills and attitudes.

Effort may not always result in success. If this is the reality, why put in the effort? Simply because unless you make an effort, you will never know if you can succeed or not! This may sound difficult to digest, but when we think a little we will fully accept that none has had 100% success and that failure may have pushed one to put in more efforts. Imagine a day without putting in an effort- it would not only be wasteful but also demotivating. The additional loss of opportunity to learn would hurt all the more. One can therefore surmise that expertise is a result of a multitude of efforts, made with patience and repeated on and on till an objective is achieved. No wonder Mahatma Gandhi said, “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory.”

"Success is never owned; it is only rented -- and the rent is due every day."- Rory Vaden

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar



Sachin Joshi, CEO of Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd speaking at the 15th International Conference on Surface Protection Coatings & Paint Expo held at Hotel Lalit, Mumbai on 15 & 16 September 2023. His well researched talk on ‘Single pack high performance coatings’ was highly appreciated and generated a lot of interest.

Kudos !

Dear Readers,

Traditionally, one school of thought is that management is the art of getting work done from others.

This assumes a lack of autonomy with respect to employees

This further assumes that employees are incapable or unwilling to be self -driven

This is a dangerous assumption and results in the infantilization of the work force.

Processes are set up assuming that managers are the brains and those who actually work (workers) are hands and feet of the organization

With the alternative paradigm of self- management, the entire work culture changes.

The workers based on targets set plan about their own work and monitor the outcome.

The role of the manager morphs into that of a coach.

Self -management at all levels is a highly desirable state.

Atul Kulkarni


Floor of a Microbiology Laboratory coated with Greenovoc’s FLORON-0700 for a sleek finish that is abrasion resistant with anti- skid properties.
Decorative coating

Decorative coating

Just a thought...

Age is something that none can defy. As we age both chronologically and mentally we tend to look back more on our life both, personal and professional. No life is without its own share of ups and downs, achievements and failures, regret and satisfaction. It is when one introspects that one becomes aware of several habits, factors or practices which may have resulted in achievements, applause and rewards (all lives will be a mix of loss and profit, though the proportions may be different for all). One such practice, which I am sure all will agree, is self- management. Self- management may sound like a standalone lofty practice, but in reality it is a combination of many factors, attributes or attitudes. Defined simply it means completing one’s tasks with little or no supervision. Understanding the significance of managing oneself is bound to have a positive impact on each one’s professional and personal life. Apart from increasing efficiency, flexibility and skill development, self- management sets one on the path to self- sufficiency.

Self-management begins with self-awareness, meaning a clear understanding of one’s habits, methods and work styles and what needs to be done in order to enhance or delete, as the need may be. Self -awareness exercises are a continuous process. Obviously Rome was not built in a day!

For many, the word routine conjures up images of a drab, boring day. But routines bring in an amount of stability and a gradual sense of achievement. Slow and steady wins the race!

Time management is a crucial factor, in fact it more or less is a part of routine; yet its exclusivity as a determinant of success or failure cannot be ignored. Time management puts the entire day in perspective. Timing tasks can give one a comprehensive understanding of how much time is required to complete different tasks and could be immensely helpful in creating daily schedules. Time is the wisest counsellor of all!

Prioritizing tasks is another time tested method for making the most of the day and yet being alive and kicking at the end. A lot of energy and time is spent doing tasks that can be happily delegated or deleted. Time and tide wait for none!

Last but not the least, it is important to hold oneself accountable for the work done or not done. Accountability implies a strong sense of responsibility for the completion of tasks and motivating oneself to fulfil the objectives, particularly when one feels distracted or unfocused. Many of us find ourselves caught in the vicious circle of blame game, where we look for someone or something to shoulder the responsibility of non- performance. Perhaps something could have been lacking, but when it becomes a case of recurrent happenings, it may become essential to change the way we work. Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result!

Ultimately success or failure hedges heavily on the ability to regulate behaviour, thoughts, and emotions in a way that better serves us and our work. Self -management may not be easy, but it is worth wile investing time and energy learning it.

““Mastering others is strength; mastering oneself is true power” - Lao Tzu.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


A major power distribution company in UK adopted the Green water based sustainable paint manufactured by Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd. The company is based out of Mumbai, India. The applicators are highly pleased with the features of the paints. I.e. No odour, No fumes, Single pack and Fast drying properties which result in a clean operation with minimum hassles.

Finish of the paint was superior to conventional paints and entire painting of the job was completed in two days against eight days required by conventional paint systems.

Kudos !

Dear Readers,

Living is all about balance

Balance between work and personal life

Balance between perfection and getting work done

Balance between the multiple objectives of a business

Clarity of a whole range of objectives is the key to achieving balance.

If a food delivery company has the sole objective of delivering food within 30 minutes, it can lead to rash driving thereby compromising employee safety and can cause social issues.

A true manager is able to find a balance in all the above conundrums and come out with ‘out- of -the box’ solutions.

Companies can achieve balance by having the right perspective.

Tools such as the Balanced Scorecard are of great assistance in reaching the balance.

The middle path advocated by the Buddha is clearly a prescription for balance.

Let’s strive to walk that path.

Atul Kulkarni


Exterior of a Villa aesthetically coated with PRODECOAT-0770 for leak-proofing
Decorative coating
Roof of a Villa coated using Polymer Membrane Technology ( PMT) & POLYSEAL-0724 for waterproofing
Decorative coating

Just a thought…

The meaning of balance maybe different for different people but, it is something that each individual or organization strives for. Any imbalance can be destructive, either in the short term or long term. The balancing act demands a lot and its success depends on a gamut of factors like philosophy, knowledge, commitment, action and many more. It is a common belief that if one is trying to live a fuller and happier life, striving for balance rather than advancement in one particular area, could be the key. Mindfulness in all walks of life has been acknowledged as the most common factor in accomplishing balance- personal, professional or spiritual. A perfect balance may be utopia so would complete achievement of balance.

Just to understand how the world looks at BALANCE, here is an interesting collection of quotes

“One should train in three deeds of merit-generosity, a balanced life, developing a loving mind. These yield a long lasting happiness.” Gautam Buddha, ascetic and spiritual leader.

“Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model.” –Confucius, Chinese philosopher

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” –Rumi, 13thcentury Persian poet

“Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.”—Zig Ziglar, American author, salesman, and motivational speaker.

“Wisdom is your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other.”-Stephen Covey, renowned American educator, author, businessman, and speaker.

“Our lives are a mixture of different roles. Most of us are doing the best we can to find whatever the right balance is … For me, that balance is family, work, and service.” Hillary Rodham Clinton, politician and diplomat

“There is no such thing as work- life balance. The balance has to be within you”- Sadhguru, founder and head of the Isha Foundation

“Balance is learning to prioritize your focus on areas of your life that increase your joy and sense of well-being.” – Carl Sheperis, Dean of the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University-San Antonio The most intriguing quote though seems to be the one given below

“The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you've lost it.”– Anonymous

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd. receives ‘Best in Class Zero VOC Emissions’ Certificate from an International Laboratory with Unmatched Ratings

Way to go Greenovoc !!

Dear Readers,

Man is a creature of habits…

This statement also holds true for organizations. Organizations are also creatures of habit.

This means that we respond to any situation in the same fashion as we have responded to a similar situation earlier. And this inevitably gives the same result as yesterday.

Our past response becomes a template for our today’s behaviour.

Habits make us lazy. Responding needs us to be present and apply our intelligence which is a very taxing activity.

Organizational habits are formed and not prewired. They are very robust and pass over from one generation of employees to the next.

Examples of good organizational habits are- discipline, professionalism, customer centricity

Habits can be changed. What we call change management is nothing but changing of organizational habits.

If the organization wants to change, then change is possible.

Change is not inevitable. We have to make it happen. And it may sometimes be painful.

However, there is no doubt that it a must in order to achieve our vision.

Atul Kulkarni


Terrace waterproofing with PMT & SURFACOOL-0712 giving dual advantage of Leak proofing and Heat insulation
Decorative coating
Decorative coating

Just a thought….Habits maketh an individual and an organization!

The word habit inevitably conjures up innumerable memories of my mother and many others trying to instill in all us children good habits. The often used terms to justify those efforts were “good habits will make you strong” or “good habits will help you become successful”. At this juncture of life where official commitments might end in a few years, I cannot but thank my family enough for ensuring that good habits became an integral part of my life. I owe a major part of my success to those habits.

A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. The American Journal of Psychology defined a "habit, from the standpoint of psychology, [as] a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience." It is important to note that habits imply both good ones and bad ones. How then do we identify the goodness and badness? Obviously then, good habits have positive physical, emotional, or psychological consequences. Bad habits are those actions you repeat but they have negative consequences. Some bad habits are harmless, while others can have a deeper, long-term impact.

What is true for individuals is bound to be trues for organizations too, since they are a collectivity of skills, expectations and behaviours of diverse personalities and identities. Organizational behaviour a specialised area of study that concentrates on how people interact within groups and its principles are used to make businesses operate more effectively. Obviously then, these people also come with their own baskets of habits and the consequent organizational success and its longevity depends to a large extent on these habits. As a part of any organization’s induction training for new employees, do’s and don’ts are spelled out. It includes a list of acceptable behaviours (which include habits) and unacceptable ones. Though the list of unacceptable may differ from organization to organization, certain common bad habits like gossiping, lying is a no-no for most organizations.

Procrastination is one such habit. Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so. If it happens once it may be excused, but when it happens frequently it becomes a destructive habit. There may be some tasks that an individual may not be happy about e.g. filing of documents or documenting data. But it is a necessary part of the work profile and has to be done in the interest of the organization. Maintaining records is crucial for organizations that use facts and data for decision making. These records are also important for certifications and compliances. Mature individuals realise this and irrespective of the likes and dislikes train themselves to complete such tasks.

It is here that another good habit known as discipline comes to the fore. Many view discipline as the creator of habits. But I do believe it is a habit in itself that provides the essential lifeblood for many other habits. To give an example, coming to work on time is a matter of discipline and once inculcated nudges people towards punctuality. No doubt it is often looked at from a negative lens and so is ridiculed and avoided. But the biggest advantage of discipline is that it helps individuals and organizations to minimize the slip points

Organizational workspaces are characterized as those where ‘give & take’ is prominently at work because many dimensions of discipline interplay together. Discipline on the shop floor as a collective habit must be as evident as financial discipline by the management. Most people abhor discipline because it takes effort and may demand sacrificing some wishes

Successful organizations credit their success to a host of factors, but no organization can discredit the contribution of good habits.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar



Scahin Joshi, CEO of Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd speaking at the 5th Natural Gas Operations & Maintenance Conference at Civil Services Officers Institute (CSOI) New Delhi ( April 17-18, 2023). His presentation was well received & highly appreciated.


Dear Readers,

Decision making is a continuous process happening at all levels in an organization

When the purchase manager has to choose between two suppliers, one who is offering a huge discount but has a questionable delivery record and another who is selling at market price but has a better reputation as regards delivery, whom should the manager buy from?

Hundreds of such situations crop up in an organization. One of the determinants of organizational growth is the question- are employees capable, equipped and empowered to make such decisions? If this is not the case the employees would push the decisions upwards to their manager till the case reaches the CEO (We are referring to SMEs). So the CEO while planning for a meeting with a strategic partner, is grappling with important questions ( ?) such as- should Sunita be given additional two days leave, should a small retail customer be given a small discount which is permissible as per the price list and should we purchase purple tables or orange tables for the reception?

Decision making has to be taught and encouraged.

One interesting thought…

Anyone can make decisions when all relevant information is available

It requires a good manager to make decisions with limited information and

It takes a super manager to make decisions from no information.

Let us at Greenovoc encourage and equip all to take better decisions.

Atul Kulkarni


Exterior walls of a villa and porch aesthetically coated with PRODECOAT-0770, our exterior wall coating with high waterproofing properties
Decorative coating
Decorative coating

Just a thought... Decide or be aside

Life is all about making decisions; choices about where to live, what to do, what to wear, what career to pursue, where to work, how to work, what learning to get, how to spend and save money, how to exercise and what form of exercise to do, as also who to have friendships and relationships with. The list is endless with new decision points propping up nearly every day! It's said that the average adult makes about 20000-30,000 remotely conscious decisions each day and it goes without saying that each decision carries certain consequences with it that are both good and bad. Decision making is understood as the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

In all cognitive sciences it is looked upon as a method of problem solving and an essential life skill. Making good and apt decisions is attributed to a lot of factors like maturity, learning and empowerment. In professional life the process of making decisions in organizations is determined by economic, social, organizational, personal and psychological factors. It is also hugely dependent on -Information inputs. Many a times prejudice or lack of it has a major impact on the taking of a decision. Organizations can progress full steam ahead or can be stalled by the decisions made by all concerned in the line of duty. Management is therefore considered as a continuous process of decision-making. It is all about determining goals and understanding which actions would have an impact on the achievement of those goals. According to P. F. Drucker – “What ever a manager does he does through making decisions.”

Agility in Decision making is a common expectation but often ignored. Decision paralysis could in fact create a bigger problem than a decision that may not be the best. But in that case there will at least be some learning which might make further decisions better. This will help an individual sharpen his skill. A decision paralysis may have a long term impact since there is no opportunity to correct any wrong decision; simply because the decision has been delayed or not made at all. Most people shirk the responsibility of taking a decision due to the inherent risks entailed, lack of confidence, vested interest or pure apathy

When plans do not go as expected one has to again decide what to do to correct the deviation. Decision making which is a continuous process generally sets off a chain reaction wherein one decision might necessitate another. One needs to keep in mind that not all decisions will be right nor will they all be wrong. The proportion may change during different situations. But this is when skill, practice and experience will definitely make a difference.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar

Dear Readers,

We all strive to make our organization a place where positive energy flows making work a pleasure for all rather than a burden.

However positive energy does not grow spontaneously. Efforts have to be made to generate and harness these energies.

Left to its own device, any system is likely to experience entropy of positive energies and toxic energies would tend to raise their ugly heads.

Organizations need to be alert to this reality and not be delusional that they are beyond toxicity.

In the Samudra Manthan, goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth herself emerged along with Amruta, Kaustubh Mani and Airavat and many others wonderful gifts. These gifts were claimed by the gods and the demons. But importantly, Halhala the great poison also emerged making the whole environment toxic.

There was a need for someone to own up to the toxicity.

It was Shiva- Neelkanth who took responsibility and swallowed the Halahala and kept it in his throat thereby detoxing the environment

So toxicity will arise

It is the responsibility of the top management to identify toxic changes and take affirmative actions to detox.

Atul Kulkarni


FLORON -0700, Anti-Skid Coating
Decorative coating
Decorative coating

Just a thought..

In the midst of all the activities that we perform in a day, the body is exposed to an avalanche of toxic chemicals that affect the body in a multitude of ways. The effects may range from mild to severe and the only way to maintain a healthy body is to detox. Detoxing is a way to remove the toxins from one’s body in order to allow its healing and optimum operation. Detox is an ancient ritual and has found mention in all streams of healing. Its many benefits include better circulation, better sleep, maintaining healthy weight, efficient purification of blood and keeping diseases at bay. A periodic detox can result in a long healthy life, which all fervently seek.

This physical detox is essential for health but it is also important to find ways to mentally detox. A mental detox is a way to declutter the mind because stresses and negative thoughts clog the mind and sap energy. It’s estimated that our minds run uncountable thoughts per day and that we spend about 95% of this time in the subconscious mind not being fully aware of the fact that the quality of our thoughts, impacts us physically & emotionally. Various techniques like meditation, mindfulness, learning to say no and accepting that not all is within one’s control, have been prescribed by experts to succeed in the journey from mental overload to mental detox. In short re-wiring the brain to explore the positives in oneself, accepting the learnings from all situations and reaffirming the best case scenarios will result in a better version of oneself.

Another detox that is imminent today is the digital detox. Research shows that about 61% of people admit they’re addicted to the internet and their digital screens. Digital detox assumes an intentional limitation on the amount of time spent using digital devices or a complete disconnect, because one can no more neglect the prominent effects of the digital overload like self-image problems, sleep problems, FOMO ( fear of mission out), unhealthy eating, absence of exercise, weight gain, and faltering communication skills. The benefits of digital detox are many- increase in productivity, sleeping better, indulging in physical activity and enjoying a feeling of calm & content.

No doubt then, the village - ‘Mohityanche Vadgaon’ in Sangli district of western Maharashtra is in news for a unique feat that it has achieved—getting its 3000 odd residents to keep aside their laptops, mobiles and other electronic gadgets from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. every day. A siren going off at the decided time, begins the digital detox that has been introduced by the village headman to ensure that children and adults study, play and talk to each other instead of staying glued to their mobiles & other devices.

The village has succeeded in doing what others only dream of!

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar



Sachin Joshi , CEO of Greenovoc Speciality Coatings Pvt. Ltd. was invited to speak on ‘Corrosion in Industry & Protection ‘ at the International Conference on ‘ Industrial Coating & Cathodic Protection’ on March 16-17, 2023 held at Hotel Holiday Inn, New Delhi. The conference was organized by MattCorr.


Dear Readers,

We know of the story of a king who was repeatedly defeated by his enemies, became disheartened and took refuge in a cave.

Sitting in a cave he saw a spider that was trying to weave a web but it kept falling off. The spider did not give up and finally succeeded in its venture.

The king was motivated by what he saw. He again got his army together and defeated his enemy.

Persistence is a pillar of success.

It is easy to be disappointed when things don’t go as per plans.

There is nothing called failure. There is opportunity for improvement and learning.

So let’s move on with an attitude of Persistence

Atul Kulkarni

feb 2023

Rooftop coated with SURFACOOL- 0712 (Heat Insulation Coating)
Decorative coating

Just a thought..


Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” – Calvin Coolidge

In common parlance, persistence is understood as ‘the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people.’ The moot question here is why would someone want to keep doing something if it was difficult or opposed to by others? Human beings are unique and special for a host of attributes, skills and tendencies that they possess. They forever set out to achieve something or the other and most know that as long as one persists, one cannot fail!

Greenovoc fully understands the importance of World Sauntering Day celebrated on June 19, since it is observed to make people realize the need of slowing down and enjoying life instead of rushing along at all times. One needs to find time to smell the roses and to enjoy the tranquil beauty of nature. 21st June is the longest day and we believe one must make the most of it! Finally one cannot forget the International Yoga Day that stands for the holistic approach to health and life.

What is it about persistence that it has made it the topic of conversations since ages? ‘ Try and try till you succeed’ has been a solid advice passed down generations. One cannot ignore the fact that persistence has been the solid foundation of scientific developments and innovations. Life has accorded persistence a venerated place it the general scheme of things for its capacity to bring about miracles.

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey teaches one that business is not as easy, as it is thought to be and the stumbling blocks are far more than the achievements. It is this recognition that actually steers one towards persistence because dreams do not come easy. Successful businesses and personalities have seldom achieved their dreams in the absence of persistence. It has been recognised as the one factor which determines the outcome when everything else falls short. The merits of persistence have been lauded by all who have persisted. It is accepted that persistence makes an expert, and rightly so since repeating a task many times is bound to make one better and better. Persistence is also a sign of ambition because without ambition it would make no sense to persist. The law of attraction between these two rarely fails.

An entrepreneur has to be prepared to start new projects and new processes, and even provide new offerings on a routine basis. This requires not just agility but persistence if one has to remain relevant and competitive in any marketplace.

No wonder then ‘Persist to Exist’ remains a time tested mantra.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar



Sachin Joshi , CEO of Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd., delivering his presentation on ‘Innovative Sustainable Coating Solutions for Effective Corrosion Control of Pipelines’ at the 6th Pipeline Technology Conference & Exhibition held on 3rd -4th January 2023 at Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Delhi.

Theme of the Conference: Midstream, downstream, upstream in Pipeline

Dear Readers,

All months of the year are special, each with a flavour.

June is a month that brings beauty in all forms, from flowers to sunlight.

But as is characteristic of the bottomless well called LIFE, surprises do spring up and uncertainty does arise.

So true when John Lennon quipped -“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”

Uncertainty can be uncomfortable; it can be overwhelming and downright saddening

Yet life perseveres. Hope and faith keep the fire burning.

Atul Kulkarni


Transformers at Tech Mahindra coated with CORRONIL-0767, Greenovoc’s anti -corrosion coating.
Decorative coating

Just a thought..


For most of us in India, June, the sixth month of the year, named after the Roman goddess Juno signifies the beginning of a new academic year. The rush for admissions, sourcing books, shoes, school bags and what not, are fond memories. June is also inherently associated with commencement of the rainy season. It signifies the end of half a year and is also a reminder that the other half is available for all to meet their goals. It is an interesting month on the international front too, because it commemorates quite a few significant days, many of which Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd closely identifies with, because of our core values and credo.

The Global day of Parents celebrated on June 1, stands for parents, for their relentless support, sacrifice and commitments toward their children. The World Bicycle day on June 3rd recognizes the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, which is an affordable, environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transportation. World Environment Day is observed on June 5th to draw attention to the fact that protection of the environment is everyone’s responsibility and that its neglect not only affects well-being of the people, but also hampers economic development throughout the world. The World Food Safety day commemorated on June 7, is for creating awareness about the consequences of contaminated food and water; food safety is pivotal to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. June 17, the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed to spread consciousness about international cooperation needed to combat desertification and the effects of drought. People need to be reminded that desertification can be effectively tackled and solutions are possible with the participation and cooperation of all.

Greenovoc fully understands the importance of World Sauntering Day celebrated on June 19, since it is observed to make people realize the need of slowing down and enjoying life instead of rushing along at all times. One needs to find time to smell the roses and to enjoy the tranquil beauty of nature. 21st June is the longest day and we believe one must make the most of it! Finally one cannot forget the International Yoga Day that stands for the holistic approach to health and life.

No wonder Mark Richardson said, “Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions.”

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Sachin Joshi, CEO of Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd. was a panellist in a Panel discussion on 08-06-22 at ACI’s Biobased Coatings Europe 2022 Conference organized on 8th & 9th June 2022 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The two day event gave participants an insight into the current challenges and opportunities from the industry, as well as updates and future forecasts on the industry's latest technology trends. The conference was attended by senior representatives from Alberdingk Boley, Allnex, Covestro, Roquette, Sherwin Williams to name a few.

Dear Readers,

A walk around a city on a summer afternoon can be exhausting. What keeps one going is the joy of the sights and sounds of the city accompanied by unending ingestion of varied cold drinks and short breaks under a tree.

Any system that overheats begins to misfire.

This is true of cars, computers, machines, organizations and individuals.

Cooling mechanisms such radiators, fans play the role of cooling cars and computers

In case of organizations it is culture that acts as a coolant

At Greenovoc we believe that the organizational culture should balance between the intense efforts required to grow the organization – that are certain to generate heat- and the intermediate cooling by way of progressive HR policies.

We constantly strive to make our workplace productive…. yet balanced.

Atul Kulkarni


Base of a Tractor Trolley coated with Zero VOC, Environment friendly product GALVART-0723 ( Room Temperature Galvanizing Coating)
Decorative coating

Just a thought..



Busy lives at some point or the other are afflicted by burnout mainly because they are involved in a multitude of activities simultaneously, continuously and regularly. All three words imply a never ending string of activities and tasks that one feels compelled to tick off, only to find another list ready, for the same attention. The word ‘Busy bee’ probably has its origin in this ceaseless endeavour. It is said that Mindfulness is a great attribute to practice because it keeps the mind sharp and helps the achievement orientation. Yet, Burnout is a common phenomenon and it does have an impact on the health and performance of the individual. The main reason that has been identified is that we get too busy and forget to do that what is most simple and doable i.e. take a step back and rest. As a form of exhaustion burnout is characterized by a constant feeling of being swamped by work, responsibilities and must do activities.

The reason why we felt like addressing these issues is that in the opinion of most, burnout is related to work. Unrealistic targets, bickering team members, confusing job profiles or boredom with the job could be the main reasons for an incoming burnout. It saps one of energy, is emotionally draining and distracts one from work thereby leading to decrease in productivity. Any decrease in productivity may result in a dent in career progress and personal satisfaction.It must be noted that long- term burnout can result in a drop in immunity and make one more vulnerable to colds and flu and other related discomforts. .It therefore becomes pertinent to understand the symptoms of burnout and practice a regimen to avoid it. Ventilation of grievances with a person in authority is an effective way since communication is a proven important aspect for creating a healthy work environment. Talking with trusted co-workers, friends, or family does help because their support can help in coping with the stressors of the job. Another highly effective but often ignored way to deal with burnout is to get enough exercise because it helps in enhancing sleep quality and improving mental health. Both these factors are known to help in prevention of burnout. Most importantly we need to focus on ourselves internally. Mindfulness can help one identify when one is feeling overwhelmed. Awareness of one’s emotions and the underlying causes is essential to cope with challenges of life and work.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Happy to announce a prestigious OEM Contract... a new opportunity and new learning!

Dear Readers,

Is it the objective of business organizations to make it's stakeholders happy ?

Happiness being such a nebulous variable and almost impossible to measure, no business managers could objectively include "enhance stakeholder happiness" in their KRA. But deep within many would agree with it's value.

As Albert Einstein has said- Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted

One rather indirect way of making the workforce happy is striking a healthy work life balance

It is about putting the company in the goldilocks zone.

Goldilocks zone is the zone around a star where it is not so hot that all the water on any planet in that zone will evaporate nor is it so cold that there is no scope for any liquid water.

We need organizations where the heat to perform is adequate to convert ice into water but not so much that all the water evaporates into vapour.

Atul Kulkarni


Terrace of a prominent Hospital in Mumbai coated with SURFACOOL-0712, our Heat Insulation Coating
Decorative coating

Just a thought..

Chronic complaining… the fountain of toxicity


On a recent trip to a weekend gateway, I had the opportunity to interact with a big group of families from different parts of the state. In the morning they seemed to be a gregarious fun loving motley group of people committed to make the most of their mini vacation. Yearning for some quiet me- time, I plonked myself in a corner, happy to be the listener. A few minutes of listening made me realize with a jolt that most of the individuals in the group were mainly complaining, not only about the facilities at the resort, but about everything right left and center: maids, husbands, wives, children, friends, colleagues, money (rather the lack of it, while they were put up in a high end holiday home) work, health, traffic, politics, so on and so forth. Every conversation was woven around what was wrong and how someone else or the system was the cause of their unhappiness!

The overall tone of the conversations of my fellow holiday revelers was an eye opener. As the day wore on, I became aware of the toxicity that was slowly seeping into the group dynamic. We go away on holidays hoping to rejuvenate ourselves, but more than the holiday apparel, we carry the invisible baggage of our worries and troubles and get so burdened by it, that the holiday seems to stress us out more than de-stressing us. Chronic complaining is a malady that afflicts many. In fact, many individuals take pride in the fact that they have the incessant capacity to complain without realizing the impact of their actions on the people around them. Each of us has a limited amount of resources both tangible and intangible at our disposal. The real challenge in life, is to make them work for you, in the best possible manner. The joys and the sorrows that come our way are inevitable and the proportion might vary from person to person. Yet, none can deny that happiness does come our way in some way or the other and it can be enhanced and multiplied by giving up certain unproductive and energy dissipating habits.

Life is a miracle; joy, happiness and laughter are its blessed manifestations. Do not let these precious jewels drown in the river of chronic complaints; instead hunt for more of these glittering jewels and keep them away from the dull negativity.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


New Partnerships & New Opportunities An exciting year ahead!

Dear Readers,

Business success is founded on loyalty

The customer A who walks that extra mile to buy the company's product.

The employee B who defends the company's interest even at personal cost.

The supplier C who honour the commitment towards a company even when there is shortage of material in the market.

These manifestations of loyalty are obvious

What is not obvious is that the hard work put in by the company that has triggered these responses

Maybe the company has given super service to the Customer A in the past

Maybe the company has supported Employee B in her growth objectives

Loyalty is an outcome of building bonds

And as the Greenovoc credo goes, we build bonds (not only in chemistry) but between people....

Atul Kulkarni


Application of CORRONIL- 0767, our high performance, proven, anti- corrosion coating for machinery of a renowned Pharma company.


Just a thought..


Loyalty , elusive yet sought after!

The business scenario has been fast changing over the last couple of decades. New ideas, new tools and new concepts have set out new successes and new standards of performance. The fast paced, internet driven, digital environment has helped companies achieve more than what they could have imagined. Yet, certain attributes have persisted; loyalty being one of them. Whatever be the nature of business the pillar of ‘People’ cannot be discounted. People do not mean only a collectivity of human beings, but rather all those attributes that make the humaneness predominantly evident. Year on year companies all over the globe have always recognized the loyal contributors, on the basis of their long service, their rise in the organization or for having stood with the company in good times and bad. Personal relationships have either stood steadfast or crumbled on the existence or non- existence of this attribute. In his book ‘The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force behind Growth, Profits, and Lasting Value Frederick Reichheld has pointed out the pitfalls when loyalty takes a backseat. He asserts that many major corporations lose and have to replace half their customers in five years, half their employees in four, and half their investors in less than one, all because loyalty is ignored.

However remote the work environment today is, loyalty is still highly valued. Loyal customers and loyal employees is what all companies truly aspire for because this lethal combination has proved critical to the long standing success of most. No wonder then that, loyalty programmes have been a central thought for the Marketing and HR departments. Loyal employees not only work hard for their pay, but they are committed to the success of the company. They put the company’s interests ahead of their own and are always striving to improve themselves and their role. On part of the company, its support, its investment in the employees’ talent and future and recognizing their contribution, is equally significant. But one must remember that loyalty is not a quick shot in the arm: it takes time to build and needs an effort on either side.

Richard Branson’s words of wisdom summarize the interlink aptly when he says, “Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to”. Medha Saykhedkar

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Another proud moment

Mr. Sachin Joshi, CEO- Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd. delivered the Prof. N. R Kamath & Mrs. Ruzena Kamath Memorial lecture on March 31, 2022 on the topic ‘Sustainable Paints & Coatings- Need of the hour’. The highly appreciated lecture was organized by the Indian Plastics Institute, Pune Chapter.

Dear Readers,

Congruence is the secret of organizational success.

Congruence of the products of the organization with the environment.

Congruence of employee goals with the organizational goals.

The way environmental congruence manifests is through sustainable products.

At Greenovoc sustainability is our raison d'etre

Employee goal congruence is manifested when every employee becomes an intrapreneur at heart.

At Greenovoc, we believe our people growth is driving our business growth as we cross new customer milestones every passing month.

Fasten the seatbelts, as we gear up for a dizzy ride ahead.....

Atul Kulkarni


GALVART-0723 - High Quality Room Temperature Galvanizing Coating (Effective Substitute for Hot Dip Galvanizing)
Decorative coating

Just a thought..

Mindfulness… Sense the Mind


Deep sighs, listless eyes, furrow lines and an autopilot existence... this is how most of us feel. Anxious, unsure, irritable or bored are words that very often describe our state of mind. Something seems to weigh us down, maybe because we seem to have lost the vital awareness of things around us… better known as Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing. It also means not being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. When adopted as a way of living, it accrues positive benefits for health, happiness, work, and relationships because when we concentrate on what’s happening around us, our mind is less likely to drift. As we deal with the world’s increasing complexity and uncertainty, mindfulness can lead us to effective and resilient responses to the quagmire of problems.

Mindfulness can be cultivated and practiced in daily life. It needs neither equipment nor a special facility, yet it can unleash our natural curiosity and revive our warmth and kindness. When we become more aware of the present moment, we begin to experience afresh, the things that we have been taking for granted. Listening attentively when people speak is a great way to anchor thoughts, so is breathing in the fragrance of flowers, taking in the sights & sounds of the daily commute or hearing the chatter of birds on the window sill. Seeking out nature is also a sure shot way to making mindfulness a habit, because there is something so awe-inspiring about nature that it easily quiets the mind. Mindfulness is a commitment. It is about seeing the world with greater clarity so that we can take wiser and more considered action to change those things which need to be changed. We need to allow mindfulness to become a crucial component of everything that constitutes our life.

Begin today, right now, just be there and let us regain ourselves

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Recognition at the International Level!

Our CEO, Mr. Sachin Joshi was invited to share his knowledge and experience of developing & manufacturing Sustainable Zero VOC, Water based, Environment friendly Anti- Corrosion Coatings at the 3rd International Virtual Conference ‘Corrosion Industry 4.0 Forum’ held on February 25, 2022.

Dear Readers,

The new year will be the same as the previous one unless.....we do something different.

Change does not happen, we have to make it happen.

If we were to project the position of a car that is going to the airport based on where it is facing, we would find that it would miss its destination 99 % of the time

Continuous course correction based on current location, immediate environment and the final destination is the way and is an never ending process.

At Greenovoc our new year resolve is to become that agile and responsive company that can deftly manoeuvre the changing environment with clarity about our purpose which is to help clean up the earth before the future generations move in.

Atul Kulkarni


Application of CORRONIL- 0767, our high performance, proven, anti- corrosion coating for machinery of a renowned Pharma company.
Decorative coating

Just a thought..


The editorial set the tone for this months Just a thought and what better word than Change to express what we feel. Change is the only constant is now a clich, often used but not as easily embraced. What is it about the word that creates contradictory emotions, a fear in the minds of some and excitement for the others? Apparently, the word seems small but carries a lot of weight!

A cursory glance at the various meanings of Change in Merriam Websters dictionary made me wonder at which suited us best. And I realised one meaning was not enough to articulate what we are doing. To begin with Change means to alter to make different in some particular. Obviously by doing this, we have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that monotony of the daily grind does not set in. To transform is also another interpretation of Change. The word transform indicates a radical move and a sense of urgency. All of us at some time or the other have felt the need to do just that, irrespective of the results. It was quite a surprise when I recently happened to meet a couple who make it a point to change house every three years. In their 25 years of married life, the couple who are in their mid- fifties have changed 8 houses and are looking forward to the next! They firmly believe they are doing their bit for the environment because they do not hoard things.

It makes shifting homes extremely easy! By the way, the couple is highly successful in their professional life and they attribute it to the fact that their goal is always the next house and so working with full focus gets them the benefits. This could be an excellent example of radical thinking. Change also means, to give a different position, course, or direction; this belies a persistence to do what we believe in i.e. better the environment and peoples lives. Obviously then we need to replace old and conventional thought & practices of doing business and of hiring people. In the process we have had to replace a few- people and processes. But then that is Change and we are undergoing a modification; we have started experiencing a momentum which again validates the fact that Change needs to be welcomed.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Our organization is growing- A warm welcome to the new team members

Happy to announce our association with major names in the Pharmaceutical & Chemical sectors where we have made a big headway with CORRONIL- 0767, our high performance anti -corrosion solution for arresting corrosion in the most aggressive conditions!

Dear Readers,

As one more year draws to a close, the world is precariously placed with issues such as global warming, extinction of species and other environmental concerns being at the top of the mind of sensitive individuals and organizations.

We at Greenovoc are committed to a making a difference in the new year.

Every year is a bundle of some pleasant and some not so pleasant memories. It is the ability to learn from past failures that makes individuals and organizations great.

We rededicate ourselves to chart out new ways that will emerge from our learnings of the past year.

We rededicate ourselves to trusting our belief in our destiny and be fill ourselves and the world with new hope.

We rededicate ourselves to a sustainable earth.

Atul Kulkarni


Walls of a hospital in Bhubaneshwar coated with our long lasting anti- microbial cum decorative coating, INTERGRANDE-0720
Decorative coating

Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770

Just a thought..


Another year gone by! This is the inevitable thought in the minds of all, as another year comes to a close. It does not matter, whether the past 12 months were joyful or painful or a mixed bag; it's not too late to end the year thinking about the learning and lessons. Many people would also be evaluating their lives and planning New Year resolutions because of an old European custom which says - �What one does on this day one will do for the rest of the year.�

Irrespective of our experiences, we must accept that every passing year adds wisdom to life. Like all things around us the passing year too is viewed in different ways. For some, it is the time for reflection and for some rumination. No doubt then, thoughts about the passing year have been expressed by many, in words that are bound to linger in our memory because, they personify each thought giver�s distinctive perception of this annual phenomenon. Here are some of my favourite pearls of wisdom from those who have traversed life year on year and crafted their own unique perspective!

�An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.�

_ Bill Vaughan

�I�ve become fascinated by the idea that it�s really achievable to make two or three small improvements in a week and by the end of the year, its 150 improvements.�

_ Darrell Hammond

�Well, we have a whole new year ahead of us. And wouldn�t it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, a little more loving, and have a little more empathy, and maybe, next year at this time we�d like each other a little more.�

_ Judy Garland

Finally, the way you think about 2021 will affect how you welcome in 2022.

Come, let us build our mental strength, infuse motivation, sharpen our skills and get ready to tackle whatever life throws our way the next year. WELCOME 2022!!

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


We are happy to announce:

The expansion of our team.

The addition of new customers.

The appointment of new channel partners.

Way to go Greenovoc !!

Dear Readers,

Life is a shipwreck-

But we must not forget to sing in the lifeboat

A quote sometimes ascribed to Voltaire

We may or may not agree with such a dark prognosis of life but the wisdom of this quote is unmistakable.

Whistling in a lifeboat is an attitude

Organizational attitude manifests as organizational culture

An organization that finds reasons to celebrate when the chips are down will find a way out.

We had reason to celebrate in the last month

We got our ISO 9001: 2015 certification

The general business environment looks bullish

This is time to celebrate

Atul Kulkarni


Smooth, Durable, Anti- skid all weather floors of a parking lot in Dubai- coated with FLORON-0700
Decorative coating

Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770

Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770

Just a thought..


November 2021 began with the celebration of Diwali, the festival of lights and joy. The festival itself stands for the indomitable spirit of hope and enlightenment symbolized by the singular, steady radiance cast by the humble lamp. Celebrated the world over, it is one tradition that has seen different avatars. It may have been subdued during the first and second waves of the pandemic, but it was definitely an upbeat and effervescent mood this year. Celebrations are a social gathering or enjoyable activity held to celebrate something, a day, an event, a journey, a birth, or success and we humans find reasons and occasions to celebrate almost everything!

In the words of Roald Dahl, the celebrated British novelist and wartime fighter pilot, �Our life is full of a great number of small events and a small number of great events�. What we celebrate and how we celebrate may vary, but our appreciation of the importance of celebration is nearly universal. Life at work is always busy, but celebrating accomplishments and milestones makes us happy and happiness never fails to motivate. At work it becomes even more important to celebrate because it allows us to recognize good effort, keeps up communication, helps people stay engaged and prevents burnout by allowing breaks from monotony and stress. Most importantly celebrations are a great way to build bridges among people and strengthen relationships. No wonder then, they pull down prejudices and push up acceptance!

Give up those excuses to not celebrate. Make celebrating a habit and let the cheers and smiles do their work of lighting up each day.

�For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance...�

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd. is now an ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company wef. 11-11-21 .. a milestone in our journey towards excellence !!

We owe ourselves a CELEBRATION !!


Dear Readers,

If we thought that Covid19 disrupted lives, it was only a trailer of the havoc climate change can potentially cause.

But there is hope in the air. Countless individuals and organizations globally are relentlessly working towards creating technology and lifestyles that will help mankind cross this test of civilization.

We at Greenovoc are proud to belong to that group.

Our environment friendly green coatings are beginning to make a difference in the lives of our partners and we are proud of it.

At times it may appear that the path is uphill and hope is dwindling but....

Let us be persistent

Wishing everyone a very happy Diwali!

Atul Kulkarni


High aesthetic appeal with complete protection- PRODECOAT-0770
Decorative coating

Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770

Just a thought..


With Diwali round the corner and Christmas waiting in the wings, the pall of gloom cast by the COVID-19 Pandemic seems to be lifting. The festival of lights denotes an eternity symbolized by the lamp, which says, �Doesn�t matter if I am small and the lone one, what matters is that I burn to spread the light; I persist�. Persistence in layman�s terms is the act of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. It also means the continued or prolonged existence of something. Persistence is not only valued in business but in personal life too. In fact it is that one quality which silently yet definitely leads to self �development. None, in this order of things has escaped the reality of �ups & downs� and traditional wisdom respects the �downs� as much as the �ups� mainly because it believes that after a lot of hard work in dealing with the downs, the resultant rewards are bound to be a source of joy. Persistence will motivate and sustain you to take consistent action with extreme determination.

The strength of a personality and that of a business mainly stems from a conviction in itself. �Try and try till you succeed� is one moral that each society teaches its people, simply because it is a time tested tenet that, consistency of action will produce the desired results. It was a firm belief in the value of persistence which probably led to Dale Carnegie, the guru of self -improvement to quote thus �Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.� Persistence persists, in the sense that one is never a finished product, rather a work in progress which accords us the opportunity to do something to make ourselves proud! No doubt then that Patience, Persistence and Perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Don�t stop striving; get ready, sprint, run and reach.

Choose Persistence today, tomorrow and the next day!

A Happy Diwali wish for all!!

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Sharing of Knowledge continues unhindered�

Mr. Sachin Joshi, CEO of Greenovoc was invited to present a paper in the National conference Oil, Gas & Surface Treatment Conference. He presented his paper titled ,"Zero VOC Green Coatings" on 26-10-21

The more you share, the more you gain !!

Dear Readers,

There seems to be hope on the horizon as the GDP growth rate for India for the year 21-22 is projected to be above 9%. This is the time for the entire economy to gear up to participate and contribute to this evolving story.

How individuals and organizations respond to this opportunity will determine the trajectories of their growth. The key word here is respond. In fact the word responsibility is derived from the word respond which in turn has its root in the Latin word �respons� which means answer or offer in return.

Going by the clich�, we are going through times of rapid change. We have to take responsibility for the situation. Those who do not change with the changing times will remain bystanders and those who answer that call of change by offering something in return can brace themselves up for a super ride.

We at Greenovoc have re-dedicated ourselves to make the next six months count.

Atul Kulkarni


Smooth superior finish for interior walls with INTERGRANDE -0720 ( Decorative coating with anti- microbial properties)
Decorative coating

Just a thought..


The term 'Organizational Bystander' introduced by Marc Gerstein recently caught my attention especially since I was contemplating certain occurrences in my professional life. Organizations are complex entities and therefore a challenge when one tries to understand certain behaviours and attitudes. According to Gerstein, Organizational bystanders are individuals who fail to take necessary action when important threats or opportunities arise. They often have crucial information or a valuable point of view that would improve an organization's decision-making capability, but for a variety of psychological and organizational reasons they do not intervene appropriately.

Organizations, particularly those in their infancy assume and bank on the wholehearted participation of all its employees irrespective of their designation and responsibility. The concept of being a bystander presumes that certain employees will not take any proactive step even if they come across a potential wrong doing, as against those who believe that action is required for the good of the organization. Bystanders,are said to be passive observers either by choice or on account of circumstances which include avoiding a potential upheaval. But it is not only in case of wrongs that being a bystander could be detrimental for an organization; it is even more serious when bystanders ignore opportunities. Going beyond one's role to draw attention to potential opportunities would be a welcome initiative for any organization. Not only does it imply enhanced business but an inherent robustness in the organizational culture. Not being a bystander is also an assertion of the fact that at the workplace we are all under a social contract to help each other and the organization. When committed employees run out of work to do, they find out what more they can do to add value to the people around them. Encouraging this as a normal way of work is as much the responsibility of the leadership as it is of the individual.

Happy working together towards achieving common objectives!

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Hearty Congratulations to our CEO Mr. Sachin Joshi, who on September 25, 2021, presented a highly appreciated research paper titled 'Sustainable Coating Solutions for Marine Environment' in the International Conference on India Corrosion Technology Forum.

Dear Readers,

The recently concluded festival of Janmashtami is marked by Dahi Handi celebrations.

Observing Dahi Handi leads us to contemplate on the nature of team performance.

It is a joy to see entire teams perform in harmony. The crowd erupts when a team of Govindas break a precariously positioned pot. The performance personifies teamwork, courage, dedication and skill.

Performance = Results + Actions & Behaviour

Both results and quality of efforts count in performance.

Performance at all levels is required for organizational success

The Pyramid formed by the teams are metaphorical in this sense.

The stolid players at the base of the pyramid are the foundation on which the player on top of the pyramid achieves glory.

Let's hope that the world is soon freed of the epidemic and engines of all teams- festive and business start revving at top speed

Atul Kulkarni



Sealing Bonds and stopping Leakage with Aquaseal & Polyseal- 0724
Aquaseal & Polyseal- 0724

Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770

Just a thought..


Poems have a way of reaching to the hearts and minds of readers. In so few words , so much more can be said and so this month I chose to explore the poetic route to express what teamwork means for Greenovoc.

What makes an organization ?

The question has eluded even the most seasoned veteran

It is the ambition of a shared dream And a vision so clean

No one upmanship, no bruised egos

And a message to 'let go' so we could all fit in like pieces of Lego

United we must stand, if the winds of change are not to strand,
Our efforts to make the world a wee bit grand.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Our CEO Mr. Sachin Joshi presented a paper titled 'Sustainable High Performance Coatings For Corrosive Conditions' at the ICCM 2021, 2nd International Conference on Industrial Corrosion Control & Management on 30-08-21.


The more you share.. the more you learn !


Dear Readers,

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Since it is half full, we realize that "we can do it" and remain positive Since it is half empty, we continuously strive to fill it up. And the glass is magical

However much we fill it, it remains half empty!

And that's the game; Like the Olympics with the motto Citius - Altius - Fortius (Faster - Higher - Stronger)

Olympics stand for continuously raising expectations and performance through constant improvement in techniques and methods, teamwork and the passion to excel.

We salute all Olympians. Even if they have not won medals, they have lived the spirit of the game. They are all winners.

We at GREENOVOC wish to emulate them.

Atul Kulkarni




Pink and Terracotta - Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770
Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770

Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770
Waterproofing with PMT & PRODECOAT-0770

Just a little more�


India has administered 45 crore doses of COVID -19 preventive vaccines. Though we have a long way before the entire population is vaccinated, a little more every day has made a difference in bringing down the case load and fatalities.

What if the same principle was applied to our work lives? I always believe people come to work because they have something to give and get. If there was no work, there would be no opportunities for exploring the potential within ourselves. Why then is it that we hold back sometimes? Is it because we have subconsciously aligned work with the tangible benefits while ignoring the intangible? It is said that those who are willing to go the extra mile are the ones who exhibit a spirit of excellence, which leads to success in all aspects of work and life. Napoleon Hill acted upon and popularized the QQMA formula. It pushed him to go the extra mile in any endeavour. QQMA stands for the quality of service you render, the quantity of service you render, plus the mental attitude with which you render the service.

The �just a little more� is a concept dedicated to that one idea. where each of us can go a little beyond the line of duty to do something to add value to the workplace and gain so much more in terms of personal development, satisfaction or plain happiness.. It could be something as simple ensuring that the desk is clean and neat. The �just a little more� is a sort of mindfulness in its entirety. The workplace is as much mine as everyone else�s and therefore my just a little combined with everyone�s little could lead to a real big. A ten minute early start or ten minutes extra spent reading an article could lead to a combined reading time of 80 minutes per week not bad at all! One extra customer call each day will result in 25 additional calls per month. Small things just lead to a big impact.

In the daily grind of success and failure, we gather experiences galore. But when success becomes the core; it is always because of just a little more!


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd successfully completed the ISO 9001: 2015 Certification Audit on 19-07-21

Kudos to the team!


Dear Readers,

Every organization will pass through situations where things may not happen exactly the way they were planned. Stress is our typical response in these situations.

However, it does not always need to be so because we are have an alternative response available viz. humour.

Office humour is a component of organizational culture.

  1. Humour allows us to make difficult conversations.
  2. Humour diffuses stressful situations
  3. Humour creates a bonding between employees across the organizational hierarchy
  4. Humour records organizational history. Humorous incidents remain for long in organizational memory

An example of office humour:

In a meeting where there were hot exchanges between the Sales, Finance and the R&D heads

The CEO diffused the situation by quipping that-
Our Sales people believe that the glass is half full
Our Finance people believe that the glass is half empty
and our R&D people say that the glass is twice as big as necessary!

Let's encourage organizational humour.

Atul Kulkarni



Transformation by SURFACOOL-0712
Tested & Trusted Heat Insulation Coating
Transformation SURFACOOL

Just a thought


Laughter - The Best Medicine ( Undoubtedly !)

I have been a committed reader of Reader�s Digest and a proud owner of a large collection since 1990. One of the most sought after features of this magazine has been �Laugh! It�s the best Medicine�. This wonderful collection of jokes and funny anecdotes picked up from all over the world is evidence that humour is an integral part of all cultures, work included.

I believe, a good joke and a nice bout of laughter never fail to make an impression and also lighten the heart.

Here are some jokes that are bound to tickle your funny bone.

Reader�s Digest, May 2011...

My boss didn�t come in to work today.
He called this morning and said he was having a vision problem.
When I asked what was wrong, he replied, � I just can�t see myself at work today.�

Reader�s Digest- May 2009..

The other day I went to work with both ears bandaged.
My boss asked what happened. � I was ironing a shirt when the phone rang and I accidentally answered the iron instead of the phone!�
�That explains one ear� said my confused boss. �But what about the other ?�
�The person called back."

Reader�s Digest September 2011..

After I was adjudged Best Teacher by my medical students, I asked them why they felt so.

�When the back benchers doze off, � one young man replied, � other teachers take offence and ask them to leave the class. But you don�t mind even when the frontbenchers doze off. �

Keep Laughing!

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


Our Sales Team and the CEO attended an E-Conference on Sales Excellence for 10X Business Growth organized by PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mumbai.

Continuous learning leads to great results...


Dear Readers,

Building a learning organization is the dream of any company.

All humans are learning individuals. How do we leverage this reality to grow our organization?

Training is the most commonly found approach for learning. At Greenovoc, we are committed to train our employees.

It is true that our employees will grow with the organization but it is truer that our organization will grow with our employees.

With this philosophy we are putting a training regime in place where we hope to nurture our people into becoming the best version of their own self.

Of course, training is not the only way of learning. As has been said "Adversity is the best teacher". But for adversity to be a teacher, one has to process the adverse experience, stay with it, not avoid it, and understand what it has done to us and how we are reacting to it.

We are going through adverse times. Let us all emerge from this stronger and wiser.

Atul Kulkarni



Transition by CORRONIL-0767

Just a thought�


Adversity� the great teacher

The months since March 2020 have been characterized by the advent of adversity. The trying times are bound to leave a long lasting impact on lives and environment. Yet, the very nature of life will propel us all to move on, albeit as changed individuals with altered perspectives, goals and mindsets. The teacher in adversity ensures that the lessons learnt are not forgotten and the learning gained from it, converts into an opportunity for a complete makeover.

One of the reasons why we are so rattled by adversity is because we take things, people and situations for granted. Though identified with a sense of stability, these result in a sort of comfort zone that often leads to predictable decisions. Time and times are always uncertain and being grateful and expressing gratitude for all that we have, is one way of insulating ourselves from the gnawing feeling of helplessness. We develop courage by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. It is therefore said that �Challenge and adversity are meant to help you know who you are. In the words of Haruki Murakami �Once the storm is over, you won�t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won�t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won�t be the same person who walked in.�

Finally, when adversity strikes, it makes more sense to test oneself, look up and move ahead. When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don�t give up. �Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day.� These words of E.B. White are highly significant because, they hint at the non- permanence of adversity. The sun will always rise, after the night.


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar


A Virtual Conference on City Gas & Natural Gas Forum was organized on May 7 & 8, 2021 by IONEX. Mr. Sachin Joshi our CEO was invited to speak on the theme of Corrosion & Mitigation. His presentation was well received and highly appreciated !



Dear Readers,

As a start-up born in a turbulent environment, we can relate to this quote from the book Anti-Fragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

"Anti-fragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the anti-fragile gets better"

This is a state that is worth aspiring for and striving for.

Organic systems often exhibit anti-fragility. A simple illustration of this is the fact that exercise should sap up our energy but, it makes us stronger!

Organizations in order to become anti-fragile have to acknowledge that they are organic which implies they are made of and are run by people

Thanks to our people, in April we continued to march on with a major export consignment successfully despatched in the midst of the lockdown shocks.

Thank you for sparing your time and keep reading....

Atul Kulkarni



Export On The Way

Just a thought�


Maturity- a trait of elegance!

At the work place and in personal lives, maturity is highly expected yet, seldom explained. Understood mainly in terms of the responses to situations and expressed through indefinite words, maturity is that stepping stone which could catapult one in the direction of self fulfilment. Maturity at the workplace begins with, having a positive attitude towards the job, which is not only about giving oneself positive mental strokes, but also observing and keeping oneself updated on the new developments affecting one�s job. Many would be surprised to know that small things, like good habits and mindful behaviours are essential constituents of maturity.

The most common cause of conflict at the workplace is the inability to accept responsibility for one�s mistakes. Owning up to a mistake opens the door to the heart of the aggrieved and puts them in a mind-set where remedial actions are quickly thought of and accepted. Senseless bickering, instead of rational responses serves no purpose and when one realizes this and makes it an integral part of behaviour... maturity has set in.

Maturity is born out of responsibility and definitely leads to better mental health. Mature individuals understand that, for any change to happen it has to come from within and this is where success or failure develops. What then is the benefit of maturity? Apart from a highly satisfying and respectful self- image, maturity also leads to better self-reflection.�Once self -reflection improves, the desired goals can be accurately identified, setting oneself on a crystal clear path towards their achievement!


Dr. Medha Saykhedkar

Dear Readers,

These are challenging times for everyone. The uncertainties arising because of COVID-19 have a dampening effect. We are taking this challenges as an opportunity to build our organization- to build our processes and to build our team.

Processes are an embodiment of organizational habits. Just like good habits, they are painful to form, but once established become great enablers of success. Like habits, once established, processes become automatic and move the organization into a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement.

We dedicate this issue to 'Habits' and 'Processes'

We celebrated our foundation day last month and our growing organization enjoyed a day at an adventure camp at Vangani near Mumbai. After all isn't celebration also a useful habit!

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Atul Kulkarni



Celebrating our Foundation Day- Team Building, Adventure & Fun
Team Menber

Just a Thought�

Many amongst us put so much thought into the process that we forget to start the process. Imagine if the doctor just thought, but did nothing if one had a heart attack? Mother Teresa, in a poignant moment had once advised a doctor, �Hands that help are holier than lips that pray�. A crisis drives action like nothing ever. But why wait for a crisis to strike? A daily dose of actions focused towards a particular goal will reduce the anxiety and uncertainty of a �what if� situation. The benefit- a habit of doing, instead of mulling! We are creatures of habit. A habit is an action we do regularly, often without thinking. Some of us are habitually tidy, or messy, or early, or late, or rude, or courteous, or happy, or angry. These are all habitual ways of being. Unsurprisingly then, our habits become who we are; they become our character. A habit like Procrastination has a dulling effect; It slows the doer and puts a brake on progress. Many of us procrastinate for various reasons, and the best way to give up on this habit is to just do it because the journey of a thousand steps begins with the first step!

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar

Dear Readers,

Writing this editorial for the first newsletter from Greenovoc Specialty Coatings Private Limited evokes mixed feelings of reflection and hope. Greenovoc is a child of the Coronavirus Pandemic and had to quickly adapt to the world of Zoom, Google Meets and Bluejeans. We recruited employees, scouted for vendors and communicated with each other, online. Thanks to the power of technology, my fellow directors and I, have seen the work environment transition predominantly from the manual to virtual throughout our working lives spanning the last three decades, and we have remained excited about it.

We at Greenovoc not only want to benefit from the technology leaps made by others but believe in actively participating in this process, to make the world a better place. We believe that our revolutionary water based green coatings are our way of participating in this human endeavour to leverage technology to make the future brighter and better for generations to come.

We thank you for making time to read this newsletter. We hope this monthly newsletter will keep you informed about the events and developments at Greenovoc and we look forward to building and sustaining a meaningful professional relationship with your organization.

Atul Kulkarni

greenovoc inspiration


Induction of New Team Members
Team Menber

Mr. Sachin Joshi explaining Greenovoc's philosophy to Team Members

Just a thought�

One of the pet peeves of most organizations is the concept of accountability or rather the absence of it. "Accountability is to take complete responsibility by�a person or an organisation for what he/she or the organisation did or failed to do (which was their duty) and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for the same."

Accountability implies two aspects, the ownership involved and the accompanying authority, without which accountability would essentially be a fa�ade. Interestingly, the issue mostly raises its head when something goes wrong and the blame game starts. When we don't take accountability, we go into the spectator mode. But, if things start to go wrong and people take ownership, then they step into the solution mode.

Characteristics of an Accountable Employee :

  • Accountable employees rarely depict a victim mentality. Accountability comes from within.
  • Accountable individuals know that negative emotions can adversely affect productivity, so they don't let a�bad day�or an emotional colleague get in the way of accomplishing what they need to do.
  • Highly accountable people don't throw others under the bus for their own missteps or inaction
  • Accountable people derive satisfaction from delivering what is expected of them without hankering after praise. Praise is just a bonus.

Accountability is not a one-time mode and being selectively accountable is not a good strategy because it makes one lose credibility and respect. No wonder then, high potential, valuable employees are seen as being accountable at all times.

Dr. Medha Saykhedkar



No Fumes

Sound Dampening

Environment Friendly


Zero VOC

Antiviral Antibacterial Coronavirus

No Odour

Water Proof


Water Proof

Non Toxic

Antiviral Antibacterial Coronavirus

Green Technology

Antiviral Antibacterial Coronavirus

Sound Dampening

